Things to Note When Designing Effective Custom CBD Boxes

Swith leo
5 min readFeb 28, 2023


Things to Note When Designing Effective Custom CBD Boxes

CBD products have been booming in the market along with some states having legalized them. This has inspired many new businesses to jump into the competition and get profitable market share. However, customers in this market are very tricky and sensitive. Yes, they will pay attention to all the details when it comes to purchasing any CBD product. This is where designing custom CBD boxes will be an essential part of running your business.

Well, not only will the boxes help to protect your products. More than that, these boxes also allow you to make a lasting impression on your customers. Thus, when it comes to designing the right boxes for CBD products, there are some essential things you should note!

Understand Your Target Market

Before you start designing your CBD oil boxes, it is always essential to understand your target market. Your target audience is the group of people who will be interested in your product. Of course, you need to create boxes that appeal to them. In fact, knowing your audience will help you choose the right design elements. Thus, it will help you make your boxes stand out from the competition.

Choosing the Right Materials Is a MUST!

The next step is to choose the right materials for your boxes. You need to ensure that your boxes will be sturdy enough to protect your CBD products during shipping and handling. At the same time, make sure that your boxes will be environmentally friendly. You have several eco-friendly materials to choose from, such as recyclable cardboard, biodegradable kraft, and hemp-based materials. Not only will using eco-friendly materials reduce your carbon footprint. More than that, this effort will also appeal to environmentally conscious customers.

Consider the Size and Shape of Your Custom CBD Oil Boxes Properly

Packing sensitive CBD products such as CBD oils requires you to focus on the right size and shape of your boxes. You need to make sure that your boxes are the right size to hold your products securely. On the other hand, the boxes should not take up unnecessary space on store shelves.

In addition, unique shapes or designs that set your boxes apart from your competitors are also worth considering. Using a cylindrical box, for example, can give your product a sense of luxury and sophistication.

Use High-Quality Printing Techniques

The printing quality of your boxes can make or break the first impression of your product. To make your products stand out on the shelves, you need to use high-quality printing techniques. Consider using techniques such as foil stamping, embossing, or spot UV. These wonderful techniques will create a more tactile and visually striking design. Most importantly, do note that high-quality printing techniques will also increase the perceived value of your CBD products.

For instance, if you wish to make more sales with your CBD lotions, then you should design appealing custom CBD lotion boxes with lively images.

Include Clear and Concise Branding

Including clear and concise branding is critical when designing your custom boxes. Remember that your branding should be easy to read and immediately recognizable. This is why you should provide your company logo, brand colors, and any other relevant information.

Make sure that all the information on your boxes will help customers identify your exclusive CBD products. This will not only increase brand recognition. Eventually, it will also make it easier for customers to find your products on the shelves.

Provide Essential Product Information

Providing essential product information is also essential when designing the best boxes for CBD products.

Do note that your boxes should include relevant information such as:

  • The type of CBD products you offer
  • The benefits and strength
  • The volume
  • And any other relevant details that customers need to know

Make sure that this information is easy to read and prominently displayed on the boxes. This will not only help customers make informed decisions. Far better, the complete product information will increase their confidence in your product.

Make Reusable and Recyclable Boxes

Make Reusable and Recyclable Boxes

Making your custom boxes reusable and recyclable is not only an environmentally friendly action. Even better, this marketing strategy will be a great way to create a positive brand image. How?

We know that customers are more likely to purchase products from environmentally conscious brands. Plus, they will love to see those brands take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. For this, you can consider including a message on your boxes that encourages customers to reuse or recycle them. This will not only increase the lifespan of your boxes. In the end, it will create a positive impression of your brand in the minds of your customers.

Test Your Packaging Design

Testing your packaging design is quite essential before finalizing it. You can create a prototype of your box and get feedback from potential customers. This will ensure that it meets their expectations.

To make things easier, you can work with an expert packaging supplier such as Instant Custom Boxes.

Final Notes

Without any doubt, designing effective wholesale custom packaging is essential in the competitive CBD market. By understanding your target market, choosing the right materials, and considering the size and shape of your boxes, you can create the boxes that set your products apart. Additionally, by using high-quality printing techniques, incorporating clear and concise branding, providing essential product information, and making your box reusable, you can leave a lasting impression on your customers. So, don’t you think that it is worth trying?



Swith leo

Swith Leo, a professional blogger and writer, has been honing their craft for 5 years and has established themselves as a thought leader in Box Packaging.